Flexible high-density fibreboards and method for manufacturing the same
- European Patent (No. EP 14 002 343.3), EP 2 965 882 B1, EP2965882 A1, (2016)
- International Patent (WO2016005026A1), (2018)
- American Patent US20170144327, (2018)
- Malaysian Patent MY-182829-A , (2021)

Bioflexi® : registered in June 2019
- Yaman, Esra; Fouillat, Maxime; Xie, Weiqi; Rinderspacher, Katja; Stieler, David; Wagner, Hans Jakob; Baszyński, Piotr; Dahy, Hanaa; Knippers, Jan; Menges, Achim (2024). Terra Incognita: Designing Earth-Fabric Hybrids. In: Eversmann, P., Gengnagel, C., Lienhard, J., Ramsgaard Thomsen, M., Wurm, J. (eds) Scalable Disruptors. DMS 2024. Springer, Cham.
- Renner, Markus, Evgenia Spyridonos, and Hanaa Dahy. (2024). “Tensegrity FlaxSeat: Exploring the Application of Unidirectional Natural Fiber Biocomposite Profiles in a Tensegrity Configuration as a Concept for Architectural Applications” Buildings 14, no. 8: 2490.
- Evgenia Spyridonos , Andreas Gerstner, Michael Nehmeier and Hanaa Dahy. (2024). LeichtPRO-profiles: development and validation of novel linear biocomposite structural components fabricated from pultruded natural flax fibres with plant-based resin for sustainable architectural applications. Materials Research Express, Volume 11, Number 7 (2024) 075308, IOP Publishing, DOI 10.1088/2053-1591/ad6536.
- Evgenia Spyridonos, Martin-Uwe Witt, Klaus Dippon, Markus Milwich, Götz T. Gresser, Hanaa Dahy. (2024). Natural fibre pultruded profiles: Illustration of optimisation processes to develop high-performance biocomposites for architectural and structural applications, Composites Part C: Open Access, Volume 14, 2024, 100492, ISSN 2666-6820, .
- Valderrama Pineda, Andrés Felipe, Iva Ridjan Skov, Hanaa Dahy, Jamal Jokar Arsanjani, Ida Maria Bonnevie, Tom Børsen, and Maurizio Teli. 2024. “Sustainability Meets Information Technologies: Recent Developments and Future Perspectives” Sustainability 16, no. 11: 4499.
- Saslawsky, Kevin, Christian Steixner, Michael Tucker, Vanessa Costalonga, and Hanaa Dahy. (2024). “FlaxPack: Tailored Natural Fiber Reinforced (NFRP) Compliant Folding Corrugation for Reversibly Deployable Bending-Active Curved Structures” Polymers 16, no. 4: 515.
- Hanaa Dahy (2023) Materials as Design Tool: Digital Fabrication Strategies for Sustainable Architecture, Technology|Architecture + Design, 7:2, 153-158, DOI: 10.1080/24751448.2023.2245707
- Pittiglio, Alexandra, Ailey Simpson, Vanessa Costalonga Martins, and Hanaa Dahy. 2023. “Fibrx Rocking Chair: Design and Application of Tailored Timber as an Embedded Frame for Natural Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (NFRP) Coreless Winding” Polymers 15, no. 3: 495.
- Abdelhady, Omar, Evgenia Spyridonos, and Hanaa Dahy. 2023. “Bio-Modules: Mycelium-Based Composites Forming a Modular Interlocking System through a Computational Design towards Sustainable Architecture” Designs 7, no. 1: 20.
- Book Chapter: Baszynski, Piotr; Dahy, Hanaa. Towards customized textile profile preforms made from flax fibers and biobased resin for the design of biocomposite structures, July 2022, DOI:10.1201/9781003023555-15, In book: Structures and Architecture A Viable Urban Perspective? (pp.117-124)
- Online article (German): Dahy, H.; Teuffel, P.; Prößler, M., May 2022. Hightech- Flachsbrücke. Der gemeinderat 5/22 online magazine (Das unabhängige Magazin für die kommunale Praxis), Thematik: Kostbare Ressource, Umwelt/ Kreislaufwirtschaft, pp38-39, Redaktionsleiterin: Frau Dr. Sabine Schmidt. Link:
- Online article (German): Dahy, H.; Teuffel, P.; Blok, R.; Prößler, M. 27. April 2022. Biobasierte Werkstoffe für Architektur und Infrastruktur. nbau Magazine Nachhaltig Bauen (Sustainable Building). Link:
- Frank, E. W., Dahy, H. & Vibæk, K. S., Jan 2022, In: Current Research in Environmental Sustainability. Volume 4, 100144. Elsevier Link: (
- Nguyen, M.T.; Solueva, D.; Spyridonos, E.; Dahy, H. Mycomerge: Fabrication of Mycelium-Based Natural Fiber Reinforced Composites on a Rattan Framework. Biomimetics 2022, 7, 42. biomimetics7020042 MDPI
- Book Chapter: Potentials of New Technologies and Building Materials. Dahy, H., 2022, Atlas Tragwerke. DETAIL, p. 142-149 (8 p.)
- Kırdök O., Akyol Altun D., Dahy H., Strobel L., Hameş Tuna E.E., Köktürk G., Andiç Çakır Ö., Tokuç A., Özkaban F., Şendemir A. Chapter 17—Design Studies and Applications of Mycelium Biocomposites in Architecture. In: Eggermont M., Shyam V., Hepp A.F., editors. Biomimicry for Materials, Design and Habitats. Elsevier; Amsterdam, The Netherlands: 2022. pp. 489–527.
- Book Chapter (German): Potenziale neuer Technologien und Baustoffe. Dahy, H., 26 Apr 2021, Atlas Tragwerke: Strukturprinzipien – Spannweiten – Inspirationen. Möller, E. (ed.). DETAIL, p. 142-149 (9 p.)
- G. Kerekes, J. Petrš, V. Schwieger, H. Dahy. (December 2021). Geometric quality control for bio-based building elements: Study case segmented experimental shell. Journal of Applied Geodesy. Publisher: De Gruyter (
- A. Lehrecke, C. Tucker, X. Yang, P. Baszynski, H.Dahy. Tailored Lace: Moldless Fabrication of 3D Bio-Composite Structures through an Integrative Design and Fabrication Process. November 2021. Applied Sciences 11(22):10989. DOI: 10.3390/app112210989
- H. Dahy, P.Teuffel, M. Proessler (article in German). Biokomposite in der Architektur. Bautechnik, Deutsche BauZeitschrift DBZ, 8. Jul. 2021. Link:
- H. Dahy. (26 Jan 2021) Chapter:‚Towards sustainable buildings with free-form geometries: Development and Application of flexible NFRP in load-bearing structures.’ in Book: Biocomposite Materials: Design and Mechanical Properties Characterization. Eds. M. T. H. Sultan, M.Shukry A. Majid, A. Iskandar A., M. R. M. Jamir, N. saba. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. p. 31-43 14 p. (Composites Science and Technology).
- H.Dahy (May 2021) Chapter: Potentiale neuer Technologien und Baustoffe. Atlas Tragwerke / Manual of Structural Design. Eds. E. Moeller. DETAIL Business Information GmbH
- T. Sippach, H. Dahy, K. Uhlig, B. Grisin, S. Carosella, P. Middendorf.(2021) Structural Optimization through biomimetic-inspired material-specific Application of plant-based Natural Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites (NFRP) . Journal of Polymers. MDPI. Special Issue: Functional Polymers. (Impact factor: 3.164)
- G. Rihaczek, M. Klammer, O. Başnak, J. Petrš,B. Grisin, H.Dahy, Stefan Carosella, P. Middendorf.(2020) Curved foldable tailored fiber reinforcements for moldless customized bio-composite structures. Proof of Concept: Biomimetic NFRP Stools. MDPI Polymers – Special Issue “Functional Polymer Composites“. Issue titled “Functional Polymer Composites” (MDPI Polymers, Impact factor: 3.164)
- R. Neuhaus, N. Zahiri, J. Petrs, Y. Tahouni, J. Siegert, I. Kolaric, H. Dahy, T. Bauernhansl (2020) Integrating Ionic Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Sensors Into Adaptive Building Skins – Potentials and Limitations. Frontiers Built Environment Journal. 6:95. doi: 10.3389/fbuil.2020.00095. Frontiers
- V. Costalonga Martins, S. Cutajar, C. van der Hoven, P. Baszyński, H. Dahy.(2020) FlexFlax Stool: Validation of Moldless Fabrication of Complex Spatial Forms of Natural Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (NFRP) Structures through an Integrative Approach of Tailored Fiber Placement and Coreless Filament Winding Techniques, Journal of Applied Sciences. 2020, 10(9), 3278. MDPI. Impact Factor: 2.474
- S. Cutajar, V. Costalonga Martins, C. van der Hoven, P. Baszyński, & H. Dahy, 2020, Towards modular natural fiber- reinforced polymer architecture Technical Papers, Keynote Conversations. Slocum, B., Ago, V., Doyle, S., Marcus, A., Yablonina, M. & del Campo, M. (eds.). Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, ACADIA, p. 564-573 10 p. (Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture: Distributed Proximities, ACADIA 2020, Vol. 1).
- H.Dahy, J.Petrs, P.Baszynski (2020) Design and Fabrication of two 1:1 Architectural Demonstrators based on Biocomposites from Annually Renewable Resources displaying a Future Vision for Sustainable Architecture. FABRICATE 2020, UCL, UK
- H.Dahy, P. Baszynski. (2020) Biocomposites and automation for the future sustainable building industry, JEC Magazine 136_June 2020, Paris, France
- H.Dahy, J. Petrs, D. H. Bos, P. Baszynski, A. P.H.W. Habraken, P. M. Teuffel (2019). BioMat Pavilion 2018: Development, Fabrication and Erection of a Double Curved Segmented Shell from Biocomposite Elements. Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2019 – Structural Membranes 2019 Form and Force. C. Lázaro, K.-U. Bletzinger, E. Oñate (eds.)
- H. Dahy, J. Petrs, P. Baszynski (2019). Experimental Biocomposite Pavilion: Segmented Shell Construction – Design, Material Development and Erection. ACADIA Conference 2019, Texas, USA
- R.D. Estrada, M.Wyller, H.Dahy. (2019). Aerochair Integrative design methodologies for lightweight carbon fiber furniture design. eCAADe 37 / SIGraDi Conference (eCAADe: Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in europe) and (SIGraDi: Sociedad Iberoamericana de Gráfica Digital). Topic: “Architecture in the Age of the 4th Industrial Revolution” 11-13 September 2019
- J. Petrs, H.Dahy, M. Florian. (2019). From MoleMOD to MoleSTRING. Design of self-assembly structures actuated by shareable soft robots. eCAADe 37 / SIGraDi Conference. 11-13 September 2019
- H. Dahy. (2019) ‘Materials as a Design Tool’ – Design Philosophy applied in three Innovative Research Pavilions out of Sustainable Building Materials with controlled End-Of-Life Scenarios. [Buildings] Journal – Special Issue “Green Building Materials”, Buildings 2019, 9, 64; MDPI (Open Access). doi:10.3390/buildings9030064
- H. Dahy. (2019) Natural Fibre-Reinforced Polymer Composites (NFRP) Fabricated from Lignocellulosic Fibres for Future Sustainable Architectural Applications, Case Studies: Segmented-Shell Construction, Acoustic Panels, and Furniture. journal of Sensors, Special Issue “Advances in FRP Composites: Applications, Sensing, and Monitoring” (Sensors, ISSN 1424-8220, IF=2.677), MDPI (Open Access)
- H.Dahy.(2019). Article: So soll Deutschland in Zukunft bauen. Europäischer Wirtschafts Verlag GmbH. Germany
- H.Dahy, J. Petrs, P. Baszynski, M. Mey. (2019) Chinese Journal of Landscape Architecture. 2019/08. 2019,26(8):pp. 60-64. Double Curved Segmented Shell Pavilion Made of Bio-composite Elements. 汉娜·达希,简·彼得斯,皮奥特·巴辛斯基,米夏拉·梅. 基于生物复合材料的双曲面分段式壳体展馆[J]. 风景园林,基于生物复合材料的双曲面分段式壳体展馆, China
- H. Dahy, M. Mey, F. Rapp, A.B. Basler, J. Spitzmüller, A. Frank, M. Burgstaller. Schlussbericht zum Vorhaben: Platten aus umweltfreundlichen Sandwichelementen aus pflanzlichen, FKZ: 22008413, 22016414, 22016514; Bundesministeriums für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL): Bonn, Germany, 2018.
- J. Petrs, H.Dahy, M. Florian (2018). Soft Robotics in Architectural Context. Conference Design Computing October 2018, Czech Technical University in Prague.
- T. Sippach, J.Petrs, H.Dahy (2018). Soft_XR -Soft Robotic Explorer Unit – Conference Design Computing October 2018, Czech Technical University in Prague.
- J. Knippers, A. Menges, H. Dahy, N. Früh, A. Körner, K. Rinderspacher, S. Saffarian, E. Slabbinck, J. Solly, L. Vasey, D. Wood. The ITECH approach: Building(s) to learn. Proceedings of the IASS Symposium 2018, Creativity in Structural Design July 16-20, 2018, MIT, Boston, USA Caitlin Mueller, Sigrid Adriaenssens (eds.)
- R. Horn, H. Dahy, J. Gantner, O. Speck and P. Leistner (2018) Bio-Inspired Sustainability Assessment for Building Product Development—Concept and Case Study”, Sustainability, 10(1), 130, Special Issue “Sustainable Construction”, doi:10.3390/su10010130
- Online article: H.Dahy (2018), FLEXIBLE FORMS: Experimentieren von biobasierten Materialien für eine zukünftige nachhaltige Leichtbau-Architektur.
- H. Dahy (2017) Efficient fabrication of sustainable building products from annually generated non-wood cellulosic fibres and bioplastics with improved flammability resistance. pp. 1-9. Journal of Waste Biomass Valorization (135). DOI: 10.1007/s12649-017-0135-3
- H. Dahy (2017) Biocomposite materials based on annual natural fibres and biopolymers – Design, fabrication and customized applications in architecture. Journal of Construction Building Materials 147: 212-220. (IF= 3.485)
- H. Dahy, J. Knippers (2017) Chapter 4: Biopolymers and biocomposites based on agricultural residues in D. E. Hebel, Fe. Heisel (Eds.) Cultivated Building Materials: Industrialized Natural Resources for Architecture and Construction, Birkhäuser, Berlin, ISBN: 978-3035611069, pp. 116-123
- H.Dahy (2016). Biocomposites for Architectural Applications based on the Second Generation of Natural Annual Renewable Resources. Conference Proceedings: SBE16 Hamburg. International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment Strategies – Stakeholders – Success factors. 7th – 111h March 2016. Edited by: ZEBAU – Centre for Energy, Construction, Architecture and the Environment GmbH, Hamburg, Germany
- H.Dahy (2016) Bio-based materials for innovative architectural applications based on natural fibres and bioplastics. 9th international Conference on biobased materials-Köln-April 5-6- nova Institut, Cologne, Germany
- Dahy, H. (2015). Towards more innovative recycling and reuse Applications in Architecture and Urban Contexts. Ecocity World Summit. Innovation Track. Abu Dhabi, Emirates
- Online article (German): H. Dahy (2015). Flexible HDF-Platte aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen (No. 28). Haute innovation; Zukunftsagentur für Material und Technologie.
- H. Dahy, J. Knippers. (2014). Natural fibres as ecologic flame retardants in green agro-plastic building products? Internationales Symposium: Naro.Tech Werkstoffe Aus Nachwachsende Rohstoffen. Erfurt, Germany
- H.Dahy. (2014) Natural fibres as flame-retardants? bioplastics MAGAZINE, Issue 02-2014, Polymedia Publisher GmbH, pp.18-20, Germany
- H. Dahy, J. Knippers (2013) Agricultural residues applications in contemporary building industry. ICSA 2013, 24-26 July – Structures and Architecture, Guimaraes, Portugal Conference Proceedings: Contemporary Building Industry. Structures and Architecture. Concepts, Applications and Challenges. CRC Press, Taylor &Francis 2013, ISBN 978-0-415-66195-9. pp. 2108-2115
- H. Dahy (2013) Towards More Agro-Fibers Applications In Interior Designs. Composites Week@Leuven And Texcomp, 11 Conference, 16-20 September, KULeuven, Leuven, Belgium
- H. Dahy, J. Knippers (2013) Product Design Aspects Of Agro-Fibres Biocomposites For Architectural Applications. SB13 – Sustainable Buildings, Construction Products and Technologies, pp. 730-740, Conference Proceedings, Verlag der Technischen Universitaet Graz, Austria
- H. Dahy, J. Knippers (2013) Influence of the 3Rs on Modern Approaches in Sustainable Architecture. Int. J. Environ. Sust. 8(4), 43-53. Common Ground Publishers
- H. Dahy (2012) Cereal Crop Residues Biocomposites Applications in Building Industry. 9. Internationales Symposium „Werkstoffe aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen“ Erfurt, Germany
- H. Dahy, J. Knippers (2012) Rice Straw Fiber Biocomposites Potentials in Contemporary Architecture. ICONARCH-I Nov. 2012, Turkey
- H. Dahy (2009) Evaluation of the Current Environmental Codes and their Influence on Modern Approaches of Building and Construction Field. In: 3rd Conference of the Environmental Services Association. Cairo, Egypt
- H. Dahy (2007) User´s Participation in the Architectural Work – Special Study of Self building Issue. Scientific Bulletin of Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
- Dahy, H. (2006). Physical Modelling Application Methods in Architecture. Master Thesis. Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture (FEDA), Ain Shams University, Cairo, 2006
- Dahy, H. (2003). Modern Architectural Technological Space Center. Bachelor Graduation Project. (FEDA), Ain Shams University, Cairo, Honorary Publication by the UIA (International Union of Architects- Egyptian National Sector)
Find more articles from Jun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hanaa Dahy on Researchgate.
- Final Research Report. Dahy, H. ; Spyridonos, E.; Uwe-Witt, M.; Kaiser, P.; Gerstner, A.; Dippon, K.; Fulland, C.; Wölfl, M., „Pultrudierte tragende Leichtbauprofile aus Naturfaserverbundstoffen Akronym: LeichtPRO“. 26.07.2023.
- Final Research Report. Dahy, H.; Baszyński, P.; Schirp, A.; Stange, M.; Glück, A. „Extrudierte und Co-extrudierte Profile aus pflanzenrestsoffverstärkten Biokunststoffen für Fennster und weitere architektonische Anwendungen Kurztitel: BioProfile“. 29.10.2020.
- Final Research Report. H. Dahy, M. Mey, F. Rapp, A.B. Basler, J. Spitzmüller, A. Frank, M. Burgstaller. Schlussbericht zum Vorhaben: Platten aus umweltfreundlichen Sandwichelementen aus pflanzlichen, FKZ: 22008413, 22016414, 22016514; Bundesministeriums für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL): Bonn, Germany, 2018.
- Final Senior Fellowship Project Report. H. Dahy. Material Matter Lab (MML). function follows fiction
Smarte Materialien für den Einsatz in der Architektur. November 2018.
- BioMat | Venice Architecture Biennial 2023
- BioMat Adaptive Architecture- IBA Festival Exhibition 2023
- BioMat Biocomposite Tailored Facades 2022
- BioMat Pavilion 2021. LightPRO Shell: Active-Bending structure from natural fiber pultruded profiles
- BioMat Mockup 2020. Flat to Spatial Mockup 2020: Minimal Surface Modular Biocomposite Material
- BioMat Mockup 2019. Tailored Biocomposite Canopy 2019
- B.Sc. 2018 – INTERLOCKING SHELL: Biomimetic Reseach Pavilion – Arzum Coban, Victoria Ivanova
- BioMat Pavilion 2018. FLEXIBLE FORMS: Biocomposites Experimental Pavilion by BioMat Group at ITKE 2018
- BioMat PLUS Project : Sandwich Panels of biobased materials with integrated acoustic and thermal insulation functions
- BioMat STUDIO: MML: Material Matter Lab (Materials & Structure Seminar) – Stuttgart: fibRfoldR
- BioMat STUDIO: MML: Material Matter Lab (Materials & Structure Seminar) – Stuttgart: FLEXFLAX
- BioMat STUDIO: MML: Material Matter Lab (Materials & Structure Seminar) – Stuttgart: Tailored Lace