Lounge Plus
Series of Lounges made of Bioflexi – highly compressed fibreboard made of annually renewable materials from up to 90% annually renewable natural fibres such as wheat, maize, rice, oat, barley or rye straw. When rice straw is used, the fibreboards have an additional advantage due to a silicate concentration of up to 20 percent of the dry fibre weight. Silicate is a natural fire retardant material, a higher fire resistant classification can be achieved by adding a mineral fire retardant additive. An environmentally friendly elastic plastic is used as a binder. At the end of its life, the fibreboard can either be recycled or composted. Through this recycling waste can be avoided twice: Through the use of agricultural by-products in production and the possibility of composting at the end of its life if recycling is not possible.
Funding: PLUS – Sandwichelemente aus pflanzlichen Reststoffen mit integrierter Schall-und Wärmschutzfunktion, BMEL- Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. (FNR), German Government