Acoustic Web

Acoustic Web

The Acoustic Web panel consist of a cover layer with a wide-meshed pattern and a core layer of several small-meshed patterns rotated by 90 degrees to give both an aesthetic and technical acoustic absorption values. The value and concept of the design was based on showing the natural base of the component materials. The exterior laser-milled panels are composed of straw fibre reinforced biocomposites and the core is composed of engineered straw/cellulose fibre mat. This acoustic absorber can suit interior sanitary applications, false-ceilings and free-standing acoustic fittings. It can be recycled or composted after the useful end of its life-cycle.

Seminar: Eco-Room Practice WS 15-16, Participating students: Saskia Maier, Robert Steiner – University of Stuttgart

Funding: PLUS Project , Fkz: 22008413 Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. (FNR), Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL)
