Project: Mittendrin – Energieoptimierte vertikale Landwirtschaft als integraler Bestandteil der urbanen Architektur
Role: Project Leader and Partner
Period: 01.05.2022 – 30.06.2025
Funding: Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE)

Mittendrin – Energy-optimized vertical farming as an integral part of urban architecture
The main goal of this project is to develop an application-oriented and innovative concept including a feasibility study for the direct integration of vertical farming into the building structure and facade surfaces and their connection to existing material and energy building flows. In addition, the integration into roof areas is considered conceptually and evaluated based on simulations.
The basis for the feasibility study is the new conveyor belt-based vertical farming technology OrbiLoop®, which enables a more efficient, flexible, and cost-effective approach compared to previous vertical farming developments and has already been licensed by industrial partners for commercial use.
TEAM (University of Stuttgart)
Assoc.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Arch. Hanaa Dahy
Asmaa Hassan
Paulina Grabowska
University of Stuttgart, BioMat/ITKE
Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology IME, Aachen
EUtech Scientific Engineering GmbH, Aachen
Machine & Metal Construction Vonhoegen GmbH & Co. KG, Würselen
City of Aachen, Department of Economics, Science, Digitization and Europe
Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE)
01.05.2022 – 30.06.2025

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