Category: News

Article about Biocomoposites

Jun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hanaa Dahy published an article about the fabrication, design and customized applicatications of Biocomposites based on annuarl renewable fibres and biopolymers. The understanding of fabrication processes with various polymers is explained, as well as the different design strategies and possibilites.

You can access the whole article with the following link.

Interview with BioPro Baden-Württemberg

Junior professor Dr.-Ing. Hanaa Dahy and her team from the ITKE in Stuttgart had an interview with the BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg GmbH about the biobased materials that they are developing.

The full interview is available here.

Open Position at BioMat – Research associate position (75% E13 TVL)

The BioMat research group (Bio-based Materials and Materials Cycles in Architecture), located at the ITKE (Institute for Building Structures and Structural Design) is now hiring!
A research associate position (75% E13 TVL) is open.
Important Dates:
Final application deadline: 21. August 2017
Expected start: 01. October 2017 or upon agreement.

Senior-Fellowship 2017-2018

We proudly announce that Jun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hanaa Dahy was granted a Senior-Fellowship for innovation in high school teaching by the Baden-Württemberg foundation, donor’s association for German High School teaching (Baden-Württemberg Stiftung, Stifterverband für die Deutsche Hochschullehre).

To read more about the foundation and the granted fund, please follow the link.

Interview with Vorwerk

The German company Vorwerk had an interview with Jun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hanaa Dahy about her research approach at the BioMat and future visions of renewable ecological solutions for architecture.

To read the full interview click on the link.

Renewable materials at the Hannover Fair

The BioMat team was presenting its work on renewable and ecological materials on the group-stand “Window Bioeconomy” at the Hannover Fair 2017. The presentation of renewable materials for architectural applications was more than successful and showed once more the high importance for the development of biomaterials in architecture.

To watch a small video from the Hannover Fair and get more information, please follow the German link.