Research themes cover a wide branch of topics including but not limited to (bio-)composites design and fabrication technologies for the building industry, application of diverse computational design and form-finding methods including topology optimisation and simulation strategies as well as lightweight constructional design themes. Additive and digital as well as robotic fabrication and assembly technologies are as well deeply researched and covered in additional to a wide branch of innovative multifunctional materials development and application including smart materials, biomaterials and living materials. Further themes include bio-inspired design methodologies including biomimetics in specific, mostly in a wide multidisciplinary criteria with biologists and engineers. Other research themes including AI- and AR- assisted design strategies as well as discretisation and constructional segmentation methods as well as new sustainability conceptual and applicable scenarios for closed-cycled futuristic buildings. In addition, topics like green façade technologies, vertical farming, bio-economy and bio-intelligence are similarly widely covered.
Funded Projects
Mittendrin – Vertical Farming
Project: Mittendrin – Energieoptimierte vertikale Landwirtschaft als integraler Bestandteil der urbanen Architektur
Role: Project Leader and Partner
Period: 01.05.2022 – 30.06.2025
Funding: Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE)
Project: 3DNaturDruck
Role: Principal Investigator and Partner
Period: 01.07.2021 – 31.12.2023
Funding: FNR – Fachagentur für Nachwachsende Rohstoffe
ProTex Project
Funding: Fritz und Trude Fortmann-Stiftung für Baukultur und Materialien
– Material in Fülle Förderprogramm –
Role: PI(Principal Investigator) und Antragstellerin
Budget: 20.000 €
Research period: 2021-2022
BioUrbEcon Project
Project: Networking and exploratory trip “Bio-based Urban Economy”
Role: PI and Partner
Funding : Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Budget: ca. 40.000 €
Period: 01.07.2021 – 30.06.2022
Building materials like insect exoskeletons
Project: Building materials like insect exoskeletons
Funding Body: Carl Zeiss Foundation
Role: Principal Investigator
Peridod: 2021 – 2026
Rethinking building materials (Stuttgart Change Labs)
Project: Rethinking building materials
Project Type: Part of Stuttgart Change Labs
Funding Body: University of Stuttgart
Role: Principle Investigator
Period: 2020
Interreg EU Project (Smart Circular Bridge)
Role: PI (Principal Investigator) and Director of the German team involved in the project. Task: Design and construction principle of three bridges.
Coordinator: TU/e Eindhoven, University of Technology, Netherlands,
EU Funding: € 3.93m
Total Budget: € 6.86m
Timeline: 2019-2023
LeichtPRO Project: Pultruded load-bearing lightweight profiles made of natural fibre composites (LeichtPRO)
Role: Application and management
Sponsored by: BMEL- Agency for Renewable Resources e.V. (FNR), German Federal Government
Field of research: Development of light profiles processed through poltrusion of long natural fibres
Cooperation partners: German Institute for Textile and Fiber Research (DITF) Denkendorf, Zenvision GmbH, CG TEC CmbH Carbon- und Glasfasertechnik, B.A.M. GmbH, Steinhuder Werkzeugbau
Design and digital fabrication of biocomposite facade panels
Project: Design and digital fabrication of biocomposite facade panels
Project Type: Part of Cluster of Excellence
Funding Body: German Research Foundation (DFG), EXC 2120: Cluster of Excellence IntCDC
Role: Principle Investigator (RP6)
Period: 2019– 2022
Project: Extrudierte und Co‐extrudierte Profile aus pflanzenreststoffverstärkten Biokunststoffen für Fenster und weitere architektonische Anwendungen
Project Type: Research-Industrial Project Grant
Funding Body: BMEL – Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. (FNR), German Government
Project Partner: Fraunhofer Institute for Wood Research, Naftex GmbH, Profine GmbH, ETS Extrusionstechnik Mathias Stange
Role: Principle Investigator
Period: 2017– 2020